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Recommended Configurations for the Ultimate Positioning Lanyard

Words: Ed Carpenter, NATS Head Instructor Feb 7th 2017
Ed Carpenter, NATS Head Instructor

Our Ultimate Positioning Lanyard was developed in conjunction with NATS and is made from ultra-strong Technora® material with multiple attachments for secure positioning in a variety of configurations. In coordination with Ed Carpenter, Chief Instructor at NATS, we have developed several approved configurations for positioning during in-canopy operations.  

Carabiner attaches to Operator's Bridge

Standard Configuration

The Standard Lanyard Configuration from hip-to-hip would be considered typical “Work Positioning Lanyard” use with one Falcon AL terminal connector to one hip D-ring and RIT eye-and-eye and Micro Pulley adjuster element to the other hip.

Carabiners attach to Operator's Harness
Carabiners attach to Operator's harness
Carabiners attach to Operators D-rings

Single Leg Up off the Bridge

The single leg configuration maximizes the full length of the lanyard off the bridge of the harness and uses the Thimble Prusik for a clean connection and to prevent cross-loading of connectors.

The Ultimate Positioning Lanyard is available in two lengths and includes all the hardware you'll need to integrate into your gear immediately. Watch the video for more information on how to set up each of these configurations.