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The Dogs of Sterling BigCommerce May 18th 2017

We're proud to have Sterling's world headquarters be a dog-friendly place. They make the offices more cheerful, social and lively. Here's your chance to get to know some of these pups a little better!

Stella and Angus:

  • Are we there yet?
  • Stella (left) and Angus (right) in the back of Carolyn's car.

Name: Stella
Age: 1 1/2 years
Breed: Black Lab
Favorite Toy: Pink Panther (now sans tail) or Douglas, the LL Bean Black Lab
Favorite Treat: Nutros Banana
Favorite thing to do at Sterling: Play with all of the other dogs
Best Trick: Plays "catch," this is different from retrieving. She catches a rolled ball, and rolls it back to you.

Owner: Carolyn (President of Sterling)

Name: Angus MacKangus
Age: 9
Breed: Scottish Terrior
Favorite Toy: Ruff (stuffed animal, doggie he sleeps with)
Favorite Treat: Charlie Bears' Cranberry Turkey Liver
Favorite thing to do at Sterling: Sit and watch all of the other dogs
Best Trick: He doesn't do tricks. He follows the rules though!

Owner: Carolyn (President)


  • When you're 13 years old, you don't care where or how you fall asleep.
  • Owner: Carolyn (President)

Name: MacDuff
Age:13 1/2
Breed:Scottish Terrorist
Favorite Toy: Tweetie Bird
Favorite Treat: Any food
Favorite thing to do at Sterling: Break into CB's desk and steal treats
Best Trick: Skidding out running down the marketing hall.


  • Shep in his natural element... The water?
  • Owner: Matt (Work Market Manager)

Name: Shep
Age: 9
Breed: Mississippi Mystery Mutt (the story is part Corgi, part Australian Shepherd, but who really knows...)
Favorite Toy: Squirrels
Favorite Treat: Squirrels, but since he never catches them, beef jerky is a close second.
Favorite thing to do at Sterling: Nap. Obtain belly rubs. Nap some more. Trip Sam (Sales Director) by sneaking up behind him. Tough day at the office.
Best Trick: The Circus Bear Trick! Ask to see it next time you visit Sterling.


  • The sun, the beach and the ball. What more could a mutt want?
  • Owner: Heidi (Project Manager)

Name: Lucy
Age: Almost 2
Breed: Take a guess. Possibly Lab, Spaniel, Border Collie…
Favorite Toy: Rubber Chuckit ball!
Favorite Treat: Ice cream.
Favorite thing to do at Sterling: Visit everyone who keeps cookies at their desk, she knows them all!
Best Trick: Catching tossed anything: Popcorn, treat, Frisbee…She should be a wide receiver.


  • Buddy doing what he does best. Chase horses- short distances.
  • Owner: Melissa (Accounts Receivable)

Name: Buddy
Age: 6 years old
Breed: Pit Bull Mix
Favorite Toy: Jolly Balls
Favorite Treat: Carrots
Favorite thing to do at Sterling: Watch out the window and get scratches from all who stop by!
Best Trick: Chasing horses and napping!


  • Hi-five, Gracie!
  • Owner: Chuck (Process Manager, R&D)

Name: Grace
Age: 3 yrs
Breed: Mutt
Favorite Toy: Velocity monkey fist
Favorite Treat: marrow bones (frozen popsicle-style)
Favorite thing to do at Sterling: Chase tennis ball down the hallway
Best Trick: Roll-over


  • What do you mean, sand isn't edible?
  • Owner: Erin (PR and Content Manager)

Name: Mona
Age: Almost 5
Breed: Mexican Street Dog
Favorite Toy: pink Racquet Ball
Favorite Treat: Cheese, carrots, bones, chicken, grass, salt water, anything she can eat. Digestion is optional.
Best Trick: Bang-Dead. Shoot her with your finger and she will fall over onto her side, and then promptly look up and expect a treat.


  • Take the picture, this is my better side.
  • Owner: Elena (Controller)

Name: Kuk
Age: 3
Breed: American Eskimo
Favorite Toy: Chuckit! Fetch Toy
Favorite Treet: Venison Waffles
Favorite Thing to do at Sterling: Monopolizing his owner’s work space
Best Trick: Making food disappear


  • Tricks? You want me to do tricks?
  • Owner: Victoria (Sales)

Name: Louie
Age: 12 or 13
Breed: Shih tzu. Emphasis on the shih t-zu.
Favorite Toy: Louie is above toys, but he very much enjoys riding in the car.
Favorite Treat: Chicken. And he will hunt it down himself if necessary.
Favorite Thing to do at Sterling: Supervise snack time.
Best Trick: Surviving being hit by a truck