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Ideas, Wants & Wishes BigCommerce Dec 20th 2019
Looking up at a rock overhang with rope
  • From Shannon Johnson

We asked Sterling Athletes, Friends and Partners to share some of their top holiday gift ideas, wants and wishes for the New Year. Here’s what we got:

“25’ of V-TX™ Cord, perfect for a lightweight cordelette, for that gram-counting Alpinist on your list. And the ability to climb like Ondra.

Giving gifts that allow for experiences are the best. It’s not about the gear but more what the gear allows you to do! Live big.”

  • Mark Smiley, @smileysproject
  • Sterling Athlete

The Velocity™ 9.8 is one of the best ropes Sterling makes. It fits any situation, from hard redpoints to big wall missions. I've done both this year and plan to do the same next year, so this would fit the bill. Wouldn't be complaining if Santa brought me that. I also wish I could get some sort of skis which enable me to ski as well as my girlfriend so I can keep up with her without falling over. That would be pretty useful.”

  • Pete Whittaker, @petewhittaker01
  • Athlete, Author

“The Nano XI™ – it’s been my go to rope for over a decade, it’s that perfect blend of DURABLE, but light, fast and handles great! And a woman as president!”

– Kurt Smith, Sterling Sales Rep, @generalsmith

The Superstatic2™, because I love establishing new climbs and I need a rope that lasts through the abuse of scraping over edges, rubbing on course walls, and jugging and rappelling with heavy loads. After the route is established, and if I don't have a partner, I will need to mini-track the route and rehearse the moves in order to climb it clean. The Superstatic2 does it all.

Best gift would be to live in a dry climate that stays between 45 and 70 degrees with lots of rock to climb on, tall and small! I also wouldn't mind an undeveloped wall close to my house to establish routes on. It would have all kinds of styles available from steeps to slabs, features to holds, cracks to face, single pitch to multi pitch and sun and shade.”

  • Rob Pizem, @rob_pizem
  • Athlete, Teacher

“The Aero™ 9.2 DryXP™ 70m rope. Super choice for ice climbing, mixed routes and multi-sport days when it's warm enough to clip bolts in the sun!

And a magic wand to be waved over the earth and all human beings wake up on January 1, 2020 with a feeling of empathy that overtakes them and allows them to feel our interconnectedness ... to others, to wild creatures, nature and our planet Earth ... and with this newfound connection they take personal action to be good human beings, stewards of the planet and doers of good things forever and again.

I love Sterling ... the people, the product and the passion that connects us to our environment and keeps us safe when gravity is always on guard!”

  • Angela Hawse, @alpinist007
  • Athlete, AMGA/IFMGA Guide, Chicks Climbing & Skiiing

The Nano IX™ bi-color 70m. It is my all-time favorite Sterling Rope and in my humble opinion quite possibly the best rope ever made. I have one that I had to retire because of its age (over five years old) that has literally hundreds of pitches on it from all over the world and it is still in great shape. Not sure what's up with this rope. I've never seen anything like it. It's some kind of freak.

I wish for my mom to bounce back from a fall she took a few weeks ago. She fell once, then fell again while trying to recover. I was down in Florida for ten days taking care of her recently. We are all hoping she will recover fully. I am heading back down there soon and will bring her back to NH for the holidays.”

  • Mark Synnott, @m_synnott
  • Athlete, Author

“The Nano IX and good health and happiness to family and friends.”

– Jim Shimberg, Athlete, @jimshimberg

“The Aero. It’s light and will hold up pitch after pitch! I’d like to accomplish all my 2020 climbing goals."

“The Aero 9.2 mm is my favorite because it has great handling and is perfect for sport climbing. My personal wish is that my family and I stay healthy. Because health does not replace any other gift in the world.”

– Michael Fuchsle, Athlete, @michaelfuchsle

“A rope, to keep me off the ground. And more people working together, less arguing and picking sides. It’s okay that people boulder.”

– Joe Klementovich, Photographer, @klementovich

“The most treasured gift that I have received from the family at Sterling Rope has been my HollowBlock, hands down. The HollowBlock keeps me safe when rappelling off ANYTHING. It's my back-up for a back-up.

The best gift we as a community of climbers can give each other would be to create time to enroll in a Self-Rescue Course and get involved with your local Search and Rescue organization. Helping out by giving back to your climbing community is an incredible way to say you care. Happy Holidays!!!”

  • Josh Huckaby, @oceangoingmonkey
  • Athlete

HollowBlock, the handiest tool on my harness! I also wish for patience.”

– Matt Hopkins, Bozeman Ice Fest, @climbmontana

“The Velocity 9.8mm 80 meter rope! I've had this rope for almost 4 years now, and it has withstood the test of time. Got it for a 40 meter project (The King, Cave Wall, Indian Creek) and been using it ever since!

I would love for Bears Ears National Monument to be reinstated.”

– Luke Mehall, Writer, Activist The Climbing Zine, @lukemehall_writer

“The best gift I could receive would be the new Quest in 70 m, along with a six pack (or more) of HollowBlocks. The Quest is new and I am pretty stoked about this rope. I think it is going to be a solid performer and become very popular. Sure it's fatter and heavier than a Nano IX (my favorite rope), but I'm excited about this rope for several reasons, not the least of which is how this rope feels in my hands. I just really like how solid it feels; it inspires confidence.

And then the HollowBlocks, bunches of them, because when I see people out on the cliffs using terribly worn out ones I want to have new ones to give them. People do not replace these things enough!

The most intangible gift I could receive would be to remove the stigma of mental health issues. It seems everyone I know struggles on some level with emotional issues. I wish it were easier to talk about and easier for people to be supportive and to be supported. We're all in this shit together so let's not try to make it harder than it needs to be.”


  • Jim Ewing, @jimewing
  • Athlete, Speaker

“The Nano IX, 80 m and happiness for all the people I know.”

– Albert Leichtfried, Athlete, Mountain Guide, @albertleichtfried

“I received both the 6.8 mm HollowBlock2, 13.5" and 19" Loops as a gift and they sat in my gear drawer for over a year until recently. This year I attained my Single Pitch Guide accreditation and as part of the course requirements we were to pass a knot in the rope (by prusiking) whilst abseiling. I pulled these beauties out and they worked a treat. They are now part of my standard rack whenever I go out trad climbing or guiding.

For me to extend my trip in Spain ... pleeeeease Coco (daughter) just one more week.”

– Monique Forestier, Athlete, @moniqueforestier

Sterling Aero 9.2, 70 meter. This is simply the best rope I have ever used and it’s a workhorse with good durability, but still supple with a great hand. And the Sterling HollowBlock2 13.5" is the perfect stocking stuffer for any climber. A must have!

The best gift I could receive would be for my surgically repaired shoulder to get back to 100%. I'm close and that extra 10% is all I need.”

  • Dale Remsberg, @daleremsberg
  • Athlete, AMGA/IFMGA Guide

My favorite work positioning rope of all time, the black 7/16" WorkPro. I love to climb SRS (single rope system) for work positioning in tree work. This is my go-to rope. Great feel in my hands. Works marvelously with a rope wrench. Good knot-ability and holds little memory compared to other stationary ropes.

To be able to see the entirety of my extended family. I don’t get to see them all very often so it would be amazing to spend time with all of them.”

– Evan Beck, ISA Certified Arborist

Velocity 9.8 mm rope bicolor Neon green! I would be extremely stoked to receive this rope as a gift because it is the workhorse of ropes that can withstand a beating for years to come. The bicolor weave makes it easy to find your middle mark whether your partner is leading up a route or if you are trying to set up your rappel station quickly. This rope offers a lightweight feel with a diameter of 9.8 mm, while still leaving you confident to go for it on your project route over and over again. Not to mention, it comes in rad colors like neon green!

More climbing time with all my friends, and family! Have a happy holiday, be safe, and remember to keep your rope clean.”

– Kevin Lindlau, Athlete, 2018/2019 North American Ice Climbing Champion, @lindlaukevin

“The Sterling Aero is by far the best rope out there. It's lightweight, smooth to belay with and gives me the confidence I need to push myself, and focus less on the fear and more on the climb. This rope as a gift represents many days of climbing to come – what more could you ask for? Oh and, happiness to my friends and loved ones.”

  • Jesse Grupper, @yayjesse_g
  • Athlete

Aero 9.2 mm 70 m rope. The gift of both safety and performance. I also wish for good health for friends and family. I've been working at a sub-acute rehabilitation hospital for geriatric patients during the last 6 months. I'm learning not to take good health for granted.”

  • ndy Cutler, @acutclimbing
  • Athlete

Has to be the 80 m Nano IX, and the HollowBlock2. Both go with me pretty much every day I’m climbing.”

  • Will Gadd, @realwillgadd
  • Athlete